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Unveiling the Modern Shaman

“Modern Shamanism is built upon three keystones – Sensemaking, Connecting, and Healing.”

Understanding the Modern Shaman

Modern shamanism is a bridge between tradition and innovation, where ancient practices are reimagined to address contemporary challenges. Dr. Sandra Waddock’s pioneering work emphasizes the role of modern shamans as catalysts for personal and global healing. These practitioners bring ancient wisdom into today’s world, fostering transformation and change.

Healing the World: Today’s Shamans as Difference Makers

Dr. Waddock’s book, “Healing the World,” invites us to explore the pivotal role of modern shamanism in effecting positive change. Through real-life stories and thought-provoking ideas, she demonstrates how modern shamans are making a difference by healing individuals and communities. This is a key ability in coaches who work with clients seeking inspiration and guidance in their quest for personal and societal healing.

The Intersection of the Modern Shaman and Life Coaching

Life coaching is a powerful tool for personal development. When combined with modern shamanism, it becomes a transformative force like no other. Modern shamanic practices enhance coaching experiences, guiding individuals on a profound journey of self-discovery and growth.

Utilizing Profiles and Teachings in Life Coaching with a Modern Shaman

Personal growth often begins with self-awareness. Tools like the Gene Keys hologenetic profile and Human Design bodygraph provide valuable insights into one’s strengths and inner workings. Modern shamanic coaches leverage these and other modalities to deepen their clients’ self-understanding and personal growth.

Unlock Your Inner Potential

Discover your strengths and innate design through the tools of Human Design and the Gene Keys and experience the magic of modern shamanic coaching to empower meaning and activate your personal brand.


I’m Dave

I’m Dave Hime, a brand strategist and life coach with over 40 years of experience in building connections and meaning. As a coach, I provide comfort and stability amidst uncertainty, helping individuals unlock their inherent magnificence and achieve growth and success. With a keen ability to see patterns underneath everyday occurrences, I uncover the true essence and potential of each individual, guiding them toward their unique path to greatness. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.


“For the modern shaman, sensemaking, connecting, and healing are powerful tools for personal and global transformation.”


Keystones of the Modern Shaman: Sensemaking, Connecting, and Healing

Modern shamanism is built upon three keystones: sensemaking, connecting, and healing. Sensemaking guides us on our unique life path. Connecting reminds us of our interdependence with the world, while healing involves addressing past wounds and fostering personal growth. Together, they form the foundation of modern shamanic practices.

As we conclude this journey through modern shamanism and Dr. Sandra Waddock’s insights, I invite you to explore my guidance along your transformative path. As you venture toward your meaningful life, my life coaching and other work grounded in modern shamanism offer a profound avenue for personal and global healing. Embrace this wisdom, connect with me, your Personal Brand Shaman, and embark on your journey toward a brighter, more connected future.

In the work of the modern shaman, sensemaking, connecting, and healing are not mere concepts; they’re powerful tools for transformation. Embrace this wisdom, and begin fostering positive change within yourself and the world around you thruogh your personal brand. I can help.

Unlock Your Inner Potential

Discover your strengths and inner design through the tools of Human Design and the Gene Keys and experience the magic of modern shamanic coaching to empower meaning and activate your personal brand.